Baldur's Gate 3 test

Baldur's Gate 3 test

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From early access, the game shows a lot of potential! Find the Baldur's Gate III spoiler-free test!

Baldur's Gate 3 Test, a promise from early access! 00:00

Baldur's Gate III is a role-playing video game developed by Larian Studios, unveiled in 2019 and released in early access on October 6, 2020 for final release in 2021. It uses a turn-based system based on the rules of Dungeons and Dragons v5.

The fights

Baldur's Gate 3 fights are extremely well thought out and super interesting, whether you are fighting a boss or a goblin horde! You are free to do whatever you want like in a paper role-playing game where the limit is your imagination. So in addition to casting your spells and using your weapons, you can hide, jump or push enemies from the top of a cliff. The verticality is also very present, that is to say that you will be able to carry out combats on several stages, bringing a great depth to these.

The only downside is that the system is based on dungeons and dragons 5, the rules are a bit complicated if you are not used to it! If necessary, do not hesitate to look at our Complete guide to Baldur's Gate 3 !

The decisions

Your game will be intimately linked to your decisions, whether you finally have to kill the person who just saved your life or to avenge the poor innocent orphans, you will be able to do absolutely anything you want in Baldur's Gate 3, as long as you accept the consequences. It's really a great strength of the game, the choices are multiple, whether they are related to your character (history, race) or to yourself (him, I don't like him). This also gives a great replayability to the game, you can for example decide to make a nice campaign then nasty.

Character creation

The creation of your characters is almost unlimited, you can choose from many classes: Cleric, Warrior, Rogue, Rogue, Warlock or Magician, each one being completely different from the others. To combine, you can also choose your Dwarf, Elf, Halfelin, Human, Drow, Tiefelin, etc. race, then choose your story.

You can of course customize the entire design of your character, whether through tattoos, shapes or colors of all parts of the body!

An air of deja vu

For those who are familiar with the Divinity Original Sin series, some elements will be present. We can note for example the countless number of useless objects that you can pick up, the limit of four characters or the turn-based game mode. These elements are not from the Baldur's Gate 3 franchise and may disturb if you want a third episode in the pure lineage of the ancients. Also, even if the overall design of the game is at the top, I can not help but find the same style as on DOS2. Personally that didn't pose a problem for me, even if 6 characters could have been very nice!

What makes <span style="font-family: 'arial black', 'avant garde';">inlingua</span> different The -
- Gorgeous design
- Multiple character options
- An impressive choice system
- Exciting fights
- Beautiful music
- A good respect for the paper role play ...

- ... which can be a bit complicated
- A lot of bugs and failed animations
- An air of Divinity Original Sin 2

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Larian Studio uses the Divinity Original Sin recipe to adapt it to the Dungeons and Dragons v5 paper role-playing game. The game is very well done and being able to choose your entire destiny is always a pleasure! A promising game, if you don't mind the bugs too much and you want to get involved in this game!

By Alchemists, November 2020

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