Median xl

Median XL Crafting and Leveling Guide: Description and When to Use Honorary Items, SU, SSU, SSSU, Crafted and Rune Words!
Instances 125 Part 2 Median XL: access Toraja, recover Valthek's set, kill the bosses of the instances then Baal!
125 Part I Median XL instances: how to access Fautzvinville, Bremmtown and collect the Great Runes, then Viz-Jun and XazaX
Dungeons Rifts Diablo 2 Median XL 0-110: dungeons and rfits and their order level 115 to 120, continuation of guide 50-110!
Dungeons Rifts Diablo 2 Median XL 0-110: dungeons and rfits and their order level 0 to 110, including the first two challenges
Diablo 2 Median XL mechanics guide attack speed, damage or spell, calculator and glossary to understand and create see builds!
Complete Median XL Guide: Cube, Arcane Crystal, Attributes, Catalysts, Charms, Classes, Gems, Instances, Runes formulas, and more!
An exceptional game in its own right!
Diablo 2 Median XL: in this article I present the game, its content but also how to play it easily with the FAQ!