Review and feedback PTR 2.4, information sent to Blizzard Diablo 2 Resurrected developers

PTR 2.4 Diablo 2 Resurrected Review

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My complete feedback on Diablo 2.4 Resurrected PTR 2! Runic Words, Class Balancing, and Mercenaries!


Here is my feedback on amazon:

  • the physical spells Blow Impale Repel are "ok" but lack the synergy to be really interesting in terms of damage
  • the loss of synergy with Lightning in Fury is practical for hybrid builds, but does not add anything to the Lightning Javazone since this spell is mandatory
  • the modifications on the poison part are well balanced
  • Dodging Avoiding Feint with no cast time is pure bliss
  • Innersight and Slow Projectiles are more interesting, however beware in PvP, the damage debuff applied to projectiles from Slow Projectiles is very strong in this situation
  • Modifications on Bow and Crossbows are well balanced and make the fire tree viable, in combination with physical or ice possibly


Here is my feedback on the assassin:

  • the martial arts revamp is very enjoyable to play and well balanced
  • the quality of life on the shadow disciplines is also very appreciable
  • the synergy removed on Mortal Sentinel brings some comfort
  • the ninja assassin is very well balanced
  • Furnace's Wake remains of little use, although the damage is good, you would have to double the AOE area to make it viable


Here is my feedback on the Barbarian:

  • Scary Guardian's new mechanics are very interesting but the design of the spell makes it unusable. Making it a ranged spell rather than going to the corpse to do the Scary Guardian would be really nice and make the spell viable
  • Double Throw remains not very powerful, even with the additions of Mastery of Throw. The synergy with Two-Handed is disabling, the spell not being usable because it synergizes with Thrashing. Replacing this synergy with Frenzy would be very handy and could lead to Double Throw Frenzy builds. The other option is to synergize Two Handed with Double Throw.
  • the speed on Leap and Jump Attack is very appreciable, even if a bit strong in PvP. Possibly decrease Bond's stun radius. The synergy of Jump attack is not very interesting, points in Jump are too expensive for a Barbarian.


Here is my feedback on the druid:

  • the fire druid is pure joy to play and is well balanced, even a little too powerful
  • keeping duration synergies for Armageddon (Fissure) and Hurricane (Hurricane Armor) doesn't really make sense. Now that we can use the cast bar and that spells are sent directly without cooldown, there is no longer any point in putting points in Fissure or Hurricane Armor (except for armor if necessary to absorb the damage obviously), every 12 seconds we will therefore press the shortcut to relaunch the spell... Increasing the duration of Armageddon and Hurricane at each point in it would be much more natural and would not increase the power of the Druid
  • wolf mods are well balanced
  • the modifications of the bear are interesting but the bear remains difficult to make viable. He would need base movement speed to make him interesting
  • Crows modifications don't really make sense, with a suitable build each crow hits 2000 damage points, it's very powerful in PvE and completely "cheated" in PvP. In addition we have to redo the crows every five moves, which makes the gameplay very daunting. Decreasing the damage by 5 and increasing the number of hits x5 would be more normal, with damage at 400 per crow in the "late game" and 25 pecks per crow.
  • other summon tweaks are well balanced, possibly applying ivy poison damage over 3 seconds instead of 4


Here is my feedback on the necromancer:

  • the modifications on Skeleton Mage are very interesting and make them viable
  • the AI ​​of the skeletons (mage and physical) is however always average, the skeletons have a lot of trouble hitting when there are more than 15
  • the modifications on Blood, Iron and Fire Golem are interesting, but I always find them below the Clay Golem
  • The Bone Spear and Bone Spirit buffs are too strong, they don't change much in PvE but increase the Necromancer's power too much in PvP. Another way to improve the viability of the Bone Necromancer in PvE would be to remove the synergy with Rib Cage and put it on Morbid Blast, or even remove a synergy while reallocating the percentages to counterbalance this loss. This would allow Necromancer Os more flexibility.
  • Weaken is interesting, but too powerful in PvP. One point every two levels would be more balanced for PvP, because here a level 35 spell reduces physical damage by 68%, too powerful against Amazon or Barbarian for example. The other idea is also to put a cap, as for the lowered resistance of Infinity for example. A cap of 50% would be well balanced.


Here is my feedback on the paladin:

  • the holy fire aura is not too powerful for my taste, I'm happy with the changes made to the damage auras
  • Sacrifice is good, on the other hand Vengeance would have deserved an improvement in attack score
  • The improvement of the healing of Sacred Trait by Prayer remains trivial, there is not necessarily any interest in using this synergy, it would require either a more substantial improvement in the synergy, or a change in this mechanism, because +15 to +20% per point does not change much
  • Fist of the Heavens is too strong in PvP, going from 1 to 0,4 seconds per invocation time, the spell does more than double the damage! A potential idea is that the spell applies to two targets, to help with PvE and not affect PvP, with 1 second of invocation time.


Here is my feedback on the sorcerer:

  • the Frost Nova is interesting, 12% synergy instead of 10% would be perfect
  • Armor synergies don't really matter, sorcerer builds already running a lot of points. I would have preferred more difference between the three armors, for example:
    • Ice Armor, does not provide defense but freezes enemies that touch us for 4 seconds
    • Armor of Dread, provides 100% base defense, and real buff per level
    • Frost Armor, returns a blast of ice to incoming projectiles
    • overpressure of armor synergies
  • the Nova and Storm synergies with Electrostatic Field are appreciable, but Nova remains less powerful than the other spells. Orage still has very little interest in maxing out.
  • the changes of the tree of fire are well balanced, except the hydra which is much too powerful. Dividing his damage by two seems the minimum


Here is my feedback on the mercenaries:

  • overall the buffs of mercenaries 1, 3 and 5 are very useful, as well as their new skills
  • on the other hand they remain less powerful overall than the mercenaries of act 2
  • not necessarily need to balance again, mercenaries act 1 3 and 5 are an interesting alternative for certain builds

Runic Words

Here is my feedback on the runic words:

  • Mist: well balanced
  • Unbending Will: a little too powerful, the percentages of additional damage should be lowered
  • Pattern: a little too powerful, this runic word does everything necessary for leveling
  • Obsession: a little underpowered, +5 skill would be perfect
  • Plague: very situational, possibly not limiting it only to swords or increasing the chance of casting lesser resistance to 30%
  • Flickering Flame: Ok for Armageddon Druids on a good Druid Pelt, but that's about it. Shako giving a good base of life, mana, MF with the possibility of putting a rune / gem will remain much stronger and cheaper
  • Widsom: moderately interesting, a lot of concessions on the helmet for 33% piercing and mana steal, with a little attack rating. Additional lifesteal would make it viable, possibly changing the cost of Pul to Um.


Here is my feedback on the sets:

  • being able to improve the sets is a real pleasure
  • the balancing of the sets is a good point, it makes them interesting for leveling without making them too powerful
  • I would have liked an improvement of the sets other than Tal Rasha and Immortal King (Griswold Mavina etc), to make them at the same power level.

Alchemists dm gaming

Very good changes overall, with a few more changes would be perfect! Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments! This article and the associated video will of course be forwarded to Blizzard!

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By Alchemists, February 2022

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