Jax S11 Top laner

Jax S11 Top lane coaching

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Jax S11 top lane: a complete guide to understand how the top lane and jax work, with phases, items and runes!


Coaching objective
The objective of this coaching is to give the keys to manage your toplane. We go through theory and then partly personalized practice. Once completed, the paper guide as well as a video will be available in support. The ideal is to redo the point a month later.

Player presentation
Tao Bacchus has been playing League of Legends for 2 months and wants to improve his management of the top lane, especially on Jax.


Here are the runes to take:

  1. Precision
    • Conqueror: increases your strength after champion attack
    • Triumph: heal after kill
    • Alacrity: Permanent attack speed after kill
    • Last Stand: more damage when low HP
  2. Domination
    • Offensive rush: gain lethality after Q
    • Eye extractor: permanent strength gain after kill
    • Attack Speed ​​/ Strength / Armor


This is the standard Jax toplaner kit. To begin with, I recommend that you always take this set of objects and know their effects and uses by heart. Subsequently it can be slightly adapted (for example spiritual face in the last object if AP feed opposite).

  1. Trinity
  2. Boots level 1
  3. Deposed king blade
  4. Pledge of Sterak
  5. Boots level 2
  6. Black cleaver
  7. Guardian angel or dance of death

Lane states


The freeze state makes it possible not to advance the front line. This one at the base is in the middle, since the damage done by the creeps is evenly distributed. To maintain this state, it is necessary to last hit the creeps and especially not to damage others. This front will evolve throughout the game, especially if you or your opponent decides to push or play under turn, for example. So you will have to adapt your style depending on where you want to place the forehead line.

Advantage / disadvantage: stable state, you are not in a risky or defensive position. Your ally can gank but the enemy opposite too


The sub-tower state allows you to be very safe, it is especially recommended when you lose your lane or an enemy gank is not far away. It will also be easier for you to have an ally gank to help you. The last hit of the creeps is a little more complicated, you will have to wait for the tower to target a creep and then kill it.

Advantage / disadvantage: defensive position, more complicated to gank enemy, easier to gank ally. However, the enemy can push your turn.


The push state has big advantages but is also very susceptible to enemy ganks. So think about ward if you want to push. Also, it will be very complicated for an ally to gank you. The top laner opposite will also lose his creeps if he is not present. It is recommended to push if you want to shift, cause enemy to lose creeps, or recall.

Advantage / disadvantage: offensive position, you will be alone but can push your advantage.

Phase Recall Shift Enemy gank Gank ally
Freeze Possible Possible Possible


Sub-tower Very not recommended Very not recommended Less likely

Very Likely

Push Optimal Optimal Very Likely


Map toplane League of legends

Early game

Here is the early game info

  • Order of spells
    E, A, Z then max Z, max A, max E
  • Objects to start
    Shield + potion (defensive)
    Blade + potion (offensive and easier to last hit the creeps)
  • Play safe until 6 and trinity, or at least brilliance if favorable 1v1
  • Jax is weak against: Malphite, Garen, Mundo - I prank and play safe
  • Jax is strong against: Gangplank, udyr, Irelia, Vayne - I put the pressure on
  • Before each match watch the Jax counters

Using the TP

Here are the cases to be able to use the TP

  • go back to your lane when you are dead: only if your lane is pushed and you lose creeps
  • gank an ally: only if you are sure to kill 1 or 2 champions
  • gank an objective: if you need your presence (equal number for example 3v3)
  • split push: push a lane while the others are playing 4, and come back at the right time: need to ALWAYS put the camera on the others, not yourself

Jax top lane techniques

Here are some tips for mastering Jax:

  • I want to put pressure on or engage: E, one second, A, self-attack, Z, self-attack
  • I lose my lane: I keep the E in defense to stun the champion as soon as he is targeted by the tower, I use A to escape and Z to last hit the creep if necessary
  • I always have a ward on me: train the trinket + A to escape, engage, pass the walls
  • I always have a ward on me and gap close: train the flash + trinket + A, for gap close in addition (only to ensure a kill or avoid certain death)
  • I always have a pink in the grass or buy it back if I recall
  • The R increases resistance, to be used as soon as you engage
  • I permanently reset my AA: after each attack I cast a spell for a TF
  • mini-map: watch every 2 seconds

Creeps and CS (creep score)

The ideal is to have 10 creeps per minute, either:

  • 5 mins - 50
  • 10 mins - 100
  • 15 mins - 150
  • 20 mins - 200
  • Etc!

Minion life in the cac: 2 rounds then auto-attack
Minion dsitance life: AA then turn hit then AA
Cac minion started: AA then turn hit then AA

If needed: AZ
Especially not to miss the gun!

Left click on the target: know life

Be careful, the creeps hit hard and will attack as soon as you attack your opponent. As soon as you have more creeps than your opponent, you can easily put pressure on them.


Some tips to better manage them:

  • I do not spam the right clicks, each right click must correspond to a desired auto attack
  • I avoid blocking myself (AA distance too short when a target moves back)
  • if necessary I Q click: to type the first target when I do not want to target my AA

Matchup Jax vs Teemo - Devaforable

Here is some information to better manage your lane against Teemo. Please note that the match-up is unfavorable, that is to say that at an equivalent level you will lose.
The objective is to limit the breakage in order to be able to win in the mid / late game where Jax takes all his potential.

The easiest way to avoid taking too much pressure is to trade. That is to say that you will take damage but that you must return at least the same (in% of damage).
If, for example, he makes you 20% of your life, do at least the same to him. Due to his reach and his blind, Teemo will have the initiative and will be able to poke you. So don't back down with every poke, as you'll get another poke when you return.
The most important point is to count your blind cooldown, you will be blinded 1,5 seconds every 8 seconds. Either as soon as you are blind, count two seconds and send your EAZ combo, step back and start again!

Matchup Jax vs Garen - Devaforable

Here is some information to better manage your lane against Garen. The matchup is also unfavorable, at an equivalent level it will be difficult to win your lane.

There are two timings to note, that of its silence and its whirlwind. His shield proc is less disturbing. Garen's silence slips away with your E, since it's a self-attack. For its whirlpool, try to stay away from it as best as possible, pay special attention to the whirlpool if the garen build AD. After 6, it will be complicated to 1v1 because of its ult.

Jax vs. Nasus Matchup - Favorable

Jax can easily complicate a Nasus' life and earn you your lane. Nasus' big flaw is that his main source of damage also allows him to farm. When the staff turns purple, its next attack is increased and if it kills a creep it will gain permanent stacks. You can also dodge this boosted attack with the E.

You will therefore simply have to play aggressive, he will not be able to farm and duel you, knowing that Nasus who has farmed is a very big problem for the late game. In addition, if you dodge his Drinker, he will have almost no damage on you.

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Jax should no longer have any secrets from you, and the role of top laner should be much clearer! If you are interested in this type of coaching, contact me directly!

By Alchemists, December 2020

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