JHIN s11 league of legends SlashingCreeps

Jhin S11 ADC

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Jhin S11 ADC: Everything in our Guide for Season 11 of League of Legends, Items, Runes, Tips and Gameplay!

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Coaching objective
The objective of this coaching is to give the keys to manage Jhin, by insisting on putting the pressure on. We go through theory and then partly personalized practice. Once completed, the paper guide as well as a video will be available in support. The ideal is to redo the point a month later.

Player presentation
Lili Pouce has taken over League of Legends and wants to improve her mastery of Jhin ADC, in particular to put pressure on her opponents.


Here are the runes to take:

  1. Domination
    • Black Harvest: bonus damage, stack on low alive champions
    • Taste of Blood: heals when attacking a champion
    • Eye puller: permanent ad after kill
    • Ravenous Hunter: Permanent life steal after kill
  2. Precision
    • Presence of Mind: Regeneration when hitting a champion
    • Leech Legend: Permanent life steal after kill
    • Strength / Strength / Armor


Here are Jhin's items for the majority of ranked games. Using the force of the wind is essential to build up the pressure.

  1. Wind force
  2. Boots level 1
  3. Collector
  4. Level 2 Boot of Haste
  5. Infinity blade
  6. Thirst for blood
  7. Death reminder or Guardian Angel

Early game

Here is the info at the start of the game

  • Order of spells
    A, Z, A, E then A, Z, E
  • Objects to start
    Doran blade, potion, trinket ward
  • Invade or not
    No, Jhin doesn't really have early game power or Cc. Follow anyway if your allies decide to invade
  • Blue / red sweater
    Grenade + full magazine


Jhin does not necessarily have against, he will however be sensitive to diving like Tristana, Vayne or even Ezreal

Jhin's techniques

Here are some tips for mastering Jhin:

  • Always follow a Z attack or spell to root the target
  • The key will be to manage the reloading, the last auto-attack will generally be on the opponents
  • Always have a pink in place, in the bush next to the tower (the rest must be mapped by your opponent)
  • The R allows to finish a target (beginning / mid game), out of range (beginning / mid game) or to do pre-combat damage (late game)
  • The ultra important one shot combo: Wind force, Z, AA, A, AA
  • mini-map: watch every 4 seconds
  • its E allows it to be used as a ward
  • in general, always have the vision in the bushes of the botlane, ask your support to go there if it does not go by itself!

To put the pressure on

"If I put the pressure on, they won't be able to put it on." This is one of the main reasons aggressive play is so powerful. An opponent on the ropes will have a hard time hitting back.

  • the runes of Jhin will give you for every time you hit an enemy with life and mana regeneration, it will be ultra important to attack them constantly.
  • to put pressure with the grenade, last hit a creep to have the grenade rebound on the enemy, follow with the Z
  • always go towards the enemy target to threaten it and attempt an AA, then move back to avoid taking spell damage
  • the style will be to always be ready to attack, to get in front to worry them, so watch out for opposing ganks

Creeps and CS (creep score)

The ideal is to have 10 creeps per minute, either:

  • 5 mins - 50
  • 10 mins - 100
  • 15 mins - 150
  • 20 mins - 200
  • Etc!

Minion life in the cac: 2 round hits then auto-attack
Minion life distance: AA then turn hit then AA
Cac minion started: AA then turn hit then AA

If needed: AZ
Especially not to miss the gun!

Left click on the target: know life

Be careful, the creeps hit hard and will attack as soon as you attack your opponent. As soon as you have more creeps than your opponent, you can easily put pressure on them.


Some tips to better manage them:

  • I do not spam the right clicks, each must correspond to a wanted auto-attack
  • I avoid self-blocking (AA distance too short when a target moves back)
  • if necessary I Q click: to type the first target when I do not want to target my AA

Synergy with its support

Jhin synergizes very well with all supports, his Z follow-up is very practical to follow any attack or support engagement. The supports synergizing very well with Jhin are for example Yumi, Tresh, Leona. So always think of Z to call an engagement.

Lane states


The freeze state makes it possible not to advance the front line. This one at the base is in the middle, since the damage done by the creeps is evenly distributed. To maintain this state, it is necessary to last hit the creeps and especially not to damage others. This front will evolve throughout the game, especially if you or your opponent decides to push or play under turn, for example. So you will have to adapt your style depending on where you want to place the forehead line.

Advantage / disadvantage: stable state, you are not in a risky or defensive position. Your ally can gank but the enemy opposite too


The sub-tower state allows you to be very safe, it is especially recommended when you lose your lane or an enemy gank is not far away. It will also be easier for you to have an ally gank to help you. The last hit of the creeps is a little more complicated, you will have to wait for the tower to target a creep and then kill it.

Advantage / disadvantage: defensive position, more complicated to gank enemy, easier to gank ally. However, the enemy can push your turn.


The push state has big advantages but is also very susceptible to enemy ganks. So think about ward if you want to push. Also, it will be very complicated for an ally to gank you. The laner opposite will also lose his creeps if he is not present. It is recommended to push if you want to shift, cause enemy to lose creeps, or recall.

Advantage / disadvantage: offensive position, you will be alone but can push your advantage.

Phase Recall Shift Enemy gank Gank ally
Freeze Possible Possible Possible


Sub-tower Very not recommended Very not recommended Less likely

Very Likely

Push Optimal Optimal Very Likely


Map botlane ADC

The golden rules of engagement

Here's everything you need to have around the clock when you're on your lane. It is much better to know your information all the time, rather than thinking about it before committing, so you can attack immediately if the conditions are favorable! I always know:

  1. Life
  2. Items
  3. The level
  4. The position of the creeps
  5. Summoners available
  6. Jungler / mid or warder position
Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Jhin is one of the most powerful ADCs at the moment, thanks to this guide you will have no trouble mastering him in order to deploy his entire kit!

By Alchemists, January 2021

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