Review 2021 and year 2022 SlashingCreeps

Review 2021 and year 2022

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2021 and 2022 review: development, games covered, sponsors, lives, premium, ... What's happening on SlashingCreeps!

Design No Rest For The Wicked
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Lexicon and acronyms Gamer and Hack and Slash by SlashingCreeps

Preamble, why this video?

I have always approached the points of SlashingCreeps with sincerity and frankness, this report is a little more global and takes up all the key points of the past year as well as of the future year, its purpose is to present them to you but also so that you can ask all the questions you wish. I also cover all the games that will be covered in 2022!

Development of SlashingCreeps

Some figures to attack this video:

  • the YouTube channel soon reached 5 subscribers and surpassed one million views
  • the Discord community is more active than ever, with more than 600 users
  • the website remains in its momentum with 1700 users per month
  • the Twitch channel is restarting, more info below
  • social networks are a little strawberry
  • three new members have joined the Hmdll team and Isendra as admin and Michel as proofreader, their work is considerable and allows me not to be drowned in things to do!
  • app launch SlashingCreeps on Android, which allows you to have the shortcut to the site
  • the arrival of Mutual Aid and three treasurers Djcomix Astorias and Benoit, offering items for members who need
  • the events are back, whether it's tournaments, giveaways and rushes for the start of the season next year
  • the premium system, with 40 premiums or € 30 per month including Paypal taxes, for a target of € 150, compensated by the arrival of the sponsors (Cf. below)

The games covered

For 2021, here is what I have proposed to you:

  • game files
    • on Hack & Slash: Path of Exile, The Slormancer, Wolcen, Anima, Median XL, Diablo 2 Resurrected
    • on Rogue-lite: Rogue Heroes, BlightBound, Blade Assault, Curse of The Dead Gods, Hades
  • the implementation of a new system allowing you to discover nuggets:
    • Tunche, Mayhem Brawler, Gatewalkers

For 2022, the idea will be the same:

  • a large file on Path of Exile, to help new players in particular
  • Hack & Slah coverage of the year (Undecember, Path of Exile 2 for example)
  • the follow-up of the usual games: The Slormancer, Last Epoch, Wolcen for example
  • the season system on Diablo 2 Resurrected
  • the sequel to Baldur's Gate 3 if it comes out
  • discover new rogue-lite, scrollers and co-op games that deserve to be known!


Be full time to develop SlashingCreeps without earning money, it's not a problem. Be full time to develop SlashingCreeps and losing money every month for two years is much more complicated. I looked very strongly at the sustainability of SlashingCreeps, and even if I always wanted to share my passion and my information with you, it became unbearable (I have to be able to eat anyway!). So I set up two ultimate solutions, that of the premiums and the sponsors. The premiums allowed to cover 1/4 of the expenses, and the sponsors 3/4 of the remaining expenses, so that the monthly financial balance is finally balanced. So I was finally able to stop asking myself the question every day whether I was continuing or stopping everything!

Even if some were very virulent on the sponsors AOEAH, I also had a lot of other very positive feedback on the fact of having a trusted site. Even if some do not like this choice, because not necessarily find it ethical, it was in any case obligatory. In addition, I believe that in 2021 the Item Shops are no longer a secret to anyone, and that everyone can decide whether they prefer to farm the game or buy items. Not everyone has the opportunity to farm the game for 4 to 5 hours a day, and still wants to be able to enjoy it. The aim of this sponsors is to present you with a secure alternative to those who are interested.

So there won't be a change in the sponsorship guideline for the year 2022, just so the content you watch can continue to exist.


Gradually, the premiums have had more and more functionality unlocked in order to thank them, without leaving out the non-premiums who keep almost total access to the website. Now that the premium system is in place, the prices will change. Don't panic, if you are already premium, your price will of course remain the same. I remind you that you can be premium simply by subscribing with Twitch Prime on our channel ! Then just send me a message, Discord or email. Here are the new prices for new premiums only :

  • Monthly premium 2 € / month
  • Annual premium 18 € / year, with three months free

These rates have two objectives, the first is to avoid "paying for an item", I have noticed that several people spend € 1 just to get an item, which is not really the goal! The other goal, even if the price is increased, is to encourage people to take an annual subscription with four months free.

Lives on Twitch

Before taking care of the site and the YouTube channel full time, I spent a lot of time streaming. Activity that I miss very much but that I had to completely stop in order to be able to produce the content and the necessary quality on the site and the channel. At the end of the year, I resumed live events in event format, many of you followed and everyone had a good evening! So I will continue his lives, still on the Twitch channel. Each live will be announced to you before on the networks SlashingCreeps !

There might also be a surpise for next year, but the project is still in the works!

Alchemists dm gaming

It only remains for me to wish you a very happy holiday season, to you and your loved ones. The year was very complicated with the pandemic, and unfortunately also promises to continue in 2022. So take advantage of this little time of respite with your family, relatives or friends! I hope that in any case you have been able to find a good way to take your mind off things thanks to SlashingCreeps, and that you will continue to follow us in 2022, a year that promises to be extremely good, at least in terms of gaming!

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By Alchemists, December 2021

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