Release date

Content, Last Epoch 1.0 release date, season system... Everything you need to know about the hack and slash release!
Initially scheduled for the end of 2023, the Hades II release date has just been pushed back. You'll need to be patient for early access!
Release dates for Path of Exile 2, Diablo 4 expansion, Hades 2... All the dates to remember and the release horizons for A-RPGs!
Baldur's Gate III is fast approaching, dated Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 17 p.m. and will offer an incredible adventure, all the information!
Path of Exile 2 has just been announced and will be available on June 7, 2024 in closed beta! Everything you need to know about the game!
An article to give you this great news! Diablo Immortal available on PC and Smartphone in crossplay on June 2, 2022!