Patch 1.1.8 Grim Dawn : tout savoir sur le dernier patch de Crate Entertainment ! Des nouvelles zones, creeps et objets légendaires !
- De nouvelles zones disponibles
- 7 nouveaux objets spécifiques liés à de nouveaux miniboss
- 3 nouvelles armes légendaires cachées
- Un nouveau type de Totem, les célestes
- Namadea et Anasteria ont leurs propres objets spécifiques
Nouvelles zones
Ci-dessous la liste des nouvelles zones, dans lesquelles vous pouvez tomber sur un totem Céleste ! Merci à Lyo7 pour son aide !
- La première se trouve à l'acte 1, passez par Burrwitch Village, puis East March, passez le pont et allez vers le nord
- La seconde est à l'acte 2, allez à Pine Barrens et allez en permanence vers le Sud-Est. Vous pourrez alors construire le pont rejoignant Akrovian
- La troisième est aussi à l'acte 2, à Broken Hills, vous avez un passage secret à ce niveau et une zone à explorer
- La dernière zone est à Twin Falls, passez sur la gauche et entrez dans le colisée !
- Avec un peu de chance vous trouverez un totem Céleste !
- La zone acte 7 se trouve à Korvan City rift et allez vers le nord jusque tomber sur le gros oiseaux et passer par le chemin !
- La zone Devil's Crossing est au sud de cette ville, construisez un pont pour récupérer un coffre avec un objet légendaire
- La zone acte 6 est au niveau de Crown Hill, passez sur la gauche du waypoint, allez vers le sud et prenez l'entrée vers Swelling Depth.
Patch note complet
[Shattered Realm]
- Nemesis bosses now give more progress towards completing a chunk at higher shards (up to 100% more at shards 60+)
- Outcast's Secret can no longer drop in the Shattered Realm
- Outcast's Secret can no longer drop in the Crucible
- Increased Animation Speed on Leap, Disengage, Teleport and Rush type movement skills by 30%
- All summoned pets are now unsummoned if equipment affecting their skill level is removed. Previously, this only affected invincible player-scaling pets (ex. Blade Spirits).
- Fixed an issue where Disengage type movement skills would clip excessively on pathing. Its behavior is now consistent with Teleport and Leap.
- Increased number of sound slots to 128 to alleviate rare situations where certain game sounds would not play because the previous limit of 64 had been reached.
- Fixed skills such as Ravenous Earth sometimes appearing in non playable space when using a controller.
- Reduced All monster resists by ~5% on Elite and Ultimate difficulties in Singleplayer (monster resists continue to scale up with additional players). This change is compensated by an across the board adjustment to Resist Reduction skills in all masteries.
- The Barrowholm dungeon now has additional hero types in its spawn pools and spawns more heroes in general.
- Fixed an issue where many common and Monster Infrequent helms would sometimes drop with a single affix below level 70. Additionally, fixed an issue where Resist prefixes would not roll on these helmets.
- Reduced Cooldowns and increased damage on Charge and Vanish type Rune Augment skills
- Faction: increased % Resist values on Armor Augments
- Faction - Bloodborer: added 18 Pierce damage modifier for Storm Spread
- Faction - Bloodrender: added +2s Duration modifier for Siphon Souls
- Faction - Corruptian: added 100% of Acid dealt as Physical modifier for Ravenous Earth and increased its Physical damage modifier to 80. Replaced 100 Poison / 5s modifier for Ravenous Earth with Internal Trauma. Increased Poison damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 80 / 5s.
- Faction - Heart of Malmouth: added % Aether damage
- Faction - Hex Launcher: added 45% of Vitality dealt as Aether and +2 to Arcane Empowerment. Increased % Vitality dealt as Aether modifier for Drain Essence to 100%
- Faction - Mark of Burning Shadows: increased Fire damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 180 and replaced Vitality Decay modifier for Righteous Fervor with 26 Vitality damage
- Faction - Mark of the Farseer: increased Electrocute damage for Primal Strike to 120 / 3s and its Bleed damage modifier to 200 / 2s
- Faction - Mark of the Shadow Queen: added +3 to Spectral Binding and +3 to Ulzuin's Wrath. Added Spectral Binding modifiers.
- Faction - Nightstalker Pendant: added +1 to Demolitionist Skills and Fire Strike modifiers
- Faction - The Desolator: added +2 to Soldier Skills
- Faction - Witch Moon: added +1 to Demolitionist Skills
- Faction - Word of Solael: increased Vitality Decay damage modifiers for Bloody Pox and Grenado to 110 / 1s and 280 / 5s, respectively
- Relic - Absolution: reduced Acid Retaliation to 400 and reduced % Acid and Fire Retaliation on the granted skill to 150%
- Relic - Uroboruuk's Reaping: increased Vitality damage to 16 and increased damage on the granted skill
- Relic - Yugol's Hunger: increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill
Monster Infrequents
- Aetherscorched Cleaver: increased % Aether dealt as Physical to 50%
- Bloodlord's Blade: increased % Chance of 100% Cooldown Reduction modifier for Possession to 12%
- Bolvar's Pendant: fixed an issue where the Resist Reduction modifiers for Summon Guardian of Empyrion were not properly applying
- Boneslicer: increased % Fire dealt as Physical to 50%
- Colossal Fortress: added -0.3s Cooldown modifier for Vindictive Flame
- Crimson's Vile Scepter: added 24 Acid damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye
- Korvan Celestial Halberd: reduced % Crit damage modifier for Blade Arc to 35%
- Lagoth'Ak's Voidbinding: added Blackwater Cocktail modifier that went missing in v1.1.7.0. This issue was only present for owners of Forgotten Gods.
- Leafmane Horn: increased Acid damage modifier for Ravenous Earth to 100
- Moltenclaw Slicer: increased % Pierce dealt as Fire to 50% and added -10% Fire Resist modifier for Veil of Shadow
- Obsidian Defender: increased Chaos damage modifiers for Solael's Witchfire and Shattering Smash to 12-40 and 152-320, respectively
- Reaper's Legguards: added +3 to Eye of Reckoning
- Riftclaw Slicer: increased % Vitality dealt as Fire to 50%
- Rylok Crest: removed Cooldown Reduction modifier for Fighting Spirit
- Scorpius Bludgeon: increased Bleed damage modifier for Blade Arc to 110 / 3s
- Servitor's Cleaver: added 22 Fire damage modifier for Righteous Fervor
- Storm Herald: increased Lightning damage modifier for Doom Bolt to 250-600
- Warden's Judgment: increased % Physical dealt as Aether for pets to 100%
Epic Items
- Fixed an issue where Mythical Deathbringer Raiment, Mythical Darkflame Chestguard, Mythical Wraith Knight's Pauldrons, Mythical Wreath of Souls and Mythical Rotmender's Hat could not drop above level 85.
- Arcane Eclipse: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental
- Baldir's Regalia Set: added support for Demolitionist on the set and its pieces
- Elemental Balance Set: replaced Fire and Cold damage with 2 Energy Regen, 18 Offensive Ability and 18 Defensive Ability
- Elemental Harmony Set: replaced Fire and Cold damage with 5 Energy Regen, 30 Offensive Ability and 30 Defensive Ability
- Horns of Ekket'Zul (Mythical): added +4 to Death Sentence
- Mythical Alakrian's Invoker: added +2 to Blackwater Cocktail
- Mythical Alchemist's Mantle: added +2 to Ravenous Earth
- Mythical Amarastan Pauldrons: added +2 to Reckless Power
- Mythical Arcane Eclipse: added +4 to Fighting Spirit and 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental
- Mythical Astral Legwraps: added +2 to Spectral Wrath
- Mythical Astral Robes: added +3 to Spectral Binding and 30% of Aether dealt as Elemental
- Mythical Band of Black Ice: added +2 to Flashbang and 15% of Fire dealt as Cold
- Mythical Band of Wandering Souls: added +2 to Dual Blades
- Mythical Banshee's Misery: added 45% of Vitality dealt as Cold
- Mythical Burrwitch Peacekeeper: added 25% of Pierce dealt as Physical
- Mythical Cerulean Shard: added +1 Nightblade Skills and 25% of Pierce dealt as Lightning
- Mythical Chillsurge Ring: added +2 to Spectral Binding and 15% of Aether dealt as Cold
- Mythical Crown of Infernal Gems: added +2 to Vindictive Flame
- Mythical Cruel Edge: added +2 to Deadly Aim
- Mythical Death Ward: added +1 to Soldier Skills and 10% of Physical dealt as Vitality
- Mythical Dissenter: added +2 to Markovian's Advantage
- Mythical Dreadweave Girdle: added 30% of Vitality dealt as Cold
- Mythical Eye of the Beholder: added +3 to Shadow Dance and 25% of Pierce dealt as Chaos
- Mythical Flesheater Legwraps: added +2 to Anatomy of Murder
- Mythical Grim Harvest Boots: added 3% Physical Resist
- Mythical Haruud's Frigid Grip: added +2 to Shattering Blast and +2 to Shadow Dance
- Mythical Jaravuuk's Bite: added +2 to Death Sentence
- Mythical Lorekeeper's Band: added +2 to Oak Skin
- Mythical Magelord's Greaves: added +2 to Flashbang
- Mythical Magnison's Trench Coat: added +2 to Blade Spirit
- Mythical Mark of Anguished Lies: added +2 to Lethal Assault
- Mythical Nar's Arcane Destroyer: added +2 to Soldier Skills and 45% of Physical dealt as Elemental
- Mythical Nighthunter's Chestguard: added +2 to Fire Strike and 25% of Fire dealt as Cold
- Mythical Orwell's Revolver: added +2 to Fighting Spirit and 15% of Physical dealt as Lightning
- Mythical Outlaw's Retribution: added +2 to Scars of Battle and 25% of Fire dealt as Physical
- Mythical Plaguemancer's Amulet: added 25% of Cold dealt as Vitality
- Mythical Revenant's Edge: added +4 to Blitz
- Mythical Rift-Torn Greaves: added 3% Physical Resist and +2 to Cadence
- Mythical Ruby of Elemental Balance: added 11 Fire damage
- Mythical Runeforged Chestguard: added +2 to Fighting Spirit
- Mythical Runesinged Handguards: added +3 to Ulzuin's Wrath
- Mythical Sapphire of Elemental Balance: added 11 Cold damage
- Mythical Sellecor's March: added +2 to Ulzuin's Wrath
- Mythical Solemn Mark: added +2 to Arcane Empowerment
- Mythical Soulsplitter: added +2 to Soldier Skills and 45% of Physical dealt as Aether
- Mythical Sparkbolt Arbalest: increased % Attack Speed to 20%
- Mythical Spellsage Boots: added +2 to Fighting Spirit
- Mythical Spellstalker's Mantle: added +2 to Ulzuin's Wrath
- Mythical Spellweave Legwraps: added +2 to Fighting Spirit
- Mythical Starfire: added +2 to Bone Harvest and 15% of Vitality dealt as Cold
- Mythical Stormguard: added 8% Physical Resist
- Mythical Tempest Sigil: added +2 to Oak Skin
- Mythical Veilwarden Band: added +2 to Righteous Fervor
- Mythical Voidblade: added +2 to Death Sentence
- Mythical Volcanum: added +3 to Shadow Strike
- Mythical Watcher of the Frozen North: added 8% Physical Resist
- Mythical Widow's Sting: added 15% of Pierce dealt as Acid
- Mythical Windborne Greaves: added +2 to Thermite Mine
- Mythical Wreath of Souls: updated Conversion to 25% of Elemental dealt as Vitality
- Nightscorn: added +2 to Shadow Dance
- Scepter of Malmouth (Mythical): added 25% of Elemental dealt as Vitality, +2 to Elemental Awakening and +2 to Ulzuin's Wrath
- Soulless Gaze (Mythical): added +2 to Searing Light
- Stormserpent Armor: added 3-25 Lightning damage
- Stormserpent Loop: added 3-25 Lightning damage
- Tainted Gaze (Mythical): added +2 to Dual Blades and 25% of Pierce dealt as Fire
- The Magelord Set: added support for Inquisitor on the set and its pieces
- Widow's Sting: added 15% of Pierce dealt as Acid
Legendary Non-Set Items
- Amatok's Step: increased Defensive Ability to 32
- Blazeheart: increased Fire damage modifier for Fire Strike to 22
- Chillheart: added +1 to Demolitionist Skills
- Conduit of Arcane Whispers: increased Vitality damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 102
- Conduit of Destructive Whispers: added 100% of Fire dealt as Lightning modifier for Blackwater Cocktail variant. Increased Vitality and Cold damage modifiers for Grenado. Added 1.0 Radius modifier for Canister Bomb.
- Conduit of Divine Whispers: increased Cold damage modifier for Righteous Fervor to 55
- Conduit of Eldritch Whispers: added +2 Radius modifier for Fire and Acid variants of Doom Bolt
- Conduit of Night Whispers: added -15% Fire Resist Reduction modifier for Veil of Shadow variant
- Conduit of Undying Whispers: updated Acid modifier for Ravenous Earth to Aether
- Decree of the Circle of Five: increased damage on the granted skill
- Doombringer: adjusted bonuses on the granted skill
- Embercore Shoulderguard: added +2 to Shadow Strike
- Fateweaver's Raiment: added +2 to Blade Spirit
- Grim Fate: increased Cooldown on the skill proc to 0.8s
- Horns of Korvaak: added 30% of Vitality dealt as Elemental and reduced Cooldown on the skill proc
- Jarinthor's Head: increased % Pierce and % Bleed damage to 260%
- Mantle of Mogdrogen: increased % Fire dealt as Lightning for pets to 100% and added 100% Vitality dealt as Lightning for pets
- Morguul's Mortality: skill proc is now applied in a radius
- Mythical Agony: increased % Attack Speed to 16% and reverted % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 6%
- Mythical Alladrah's Spellblade: added 100% of Physical dealt as Fire modifiers for Fire Strike and Savagery. Increased Fire damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 16 and added 24 Fire damage and 32 Fire damage modifiers for Fire Strike and Savagery, respectively.
- Mythical Amatok's Step: increased Defensive Ability to 60 and added +2 to Ring of Steel
- Mythical Arcanor, Blade of the Luminari: added +4 to Spectral Binding and modifiers for Spectral Binding. Removed Duration modifier for Inquisitor Seal.
- Mythical Arcanum Electrollis: added 30% Stun Resist and +3 to Ulzuin's Wrath
- Mythical Band of the Eternal Pyre: added +2 to Execution
- Mythical Bonescavenger's Deathgrips: added 50% of Acid dealt as Vitality for pets
- Mythical Bonewraith Pauldrons: added 14 Vitality damage
- Mythical Brutallax: added 40 Pierce damage modifier for Amarasta's Quick Cut and 50 Bleed damage / 3s and 30 Bleed damage / 3s modifiers for Savagery and Presence of Virtue, respectively
- Mythical Chausses of Barbaros: added +2 to Blast Shield
- Mythical Chillflame Evoker: added +3 to Lethal Assault
- Mythical Cinderscorn: increased Burn damage modifier for Vire's Might to 180 / 2s
- Mythical Colossal Grasp: increased % Attack Speed and % Chance of Physical damage on the granted skill
- Mythical Consumption of Agrivix: added +1 to Soldier Skills and 45% of Physical dealt as Fire
- Mythical Crown of the Revenant King: increased Vitality damage modifiers for Righteous Fervor and Smite to 40 and 210, respectively
- Mythical Damnation: increased Vitality damage modifier for Righteous Fervor to 35
- Mythical Deathdealer's Sidearm: increased Physical damage modifiers for Reaping Strike and Smite to 140
- Mythical Deathlord's Band: added 12 Vitality damage
- Mythical Death's Reach: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 30% and increased % Resist Reduction modifiers for Bloody Pox and Devouring Swarm to -15%
- Mythical Decree of the Circle of Five: increased damage on the granted skill
- Mythical Doombringer: removed % Crit damage modifier for Cadence. Added Herald of Doom granted skill to the Mythical version of this item.
- Mythical Dread Knight's Guard: added 14 Vitality damage
- Mythical Edge of Sanity: increased Aether damage modifiers for Markovian's Advantage and Reaping Strike to 140
- Mythical Essence of the Grim Dawn: increased Chaos damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 33
- Mythical Exterminus: increased Fire damage modifier for Fire Strike to 22
- Mythical Fiend's Resolve: added 45% of Aether dealt as Chaos and added 100% of Vitality dealt as Chaos modifier for Ravenous Earth
- Mythical Footpads of the Grey Magi: added +2 to Phantasmal Armor
- Mythical Gavel of Ravenous Souls: increased Physical damage modifier for Vire's Might to 70
- Mythical Grasp of Unchained Might: added +3 to Aura of Conviction and modifiers for it
- Mythical Grim Fate: increased Cooldown on the skill proc to 0.8s
- Mythical Heart of the Sand King: increased Bleed damage modifier for Mogdrogen's Pact to 26 / 3s
- Mythical Herald of Amatok: added +3 to Blast Shield
- Mythical Herald of Blazing Ends: added +2 to Veil of Shadow and modifiers for it, increased % Elemental Resist to 24% and removed % Fire Resist
- Mythical Inashkor's Corrupted Head: increased Physical damage modifier for Doom Bolt to 400
- Mythical Inashkor's Head: reduced Physical damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 30
- Mythical Jarinthor's Head: increased % Pierce and % Bleed damage to 392%
- Mythical Jaxxon's Lucky Bullet: added +2 to Fighting Spirit
- Mythical Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind: increased bonus to Primal Bond to +3 and added +3 to Veil of Shadow
- Mythical Malakor's Infusion: added 70 Elemental damage modifier for Field Command, removed Cadence modifier
- Mythical Mark of Anathema: added +2 to Hellfire Mine
- Mythical Mark of Bloody Ends: increased Bleed damage modifiers for Summon Blight Fiend and Summon Briarthorn to 80 / 3s
- Mythical Mark of Dark Dreams: added +2 to Blast Shield and a Blast Shield modifier
- Mythical Mask of Infernal Truth: added +1 to Nightblade Skills
- Mythical Morguul's Mortality: added 45% of Cold dealt as Vitality and increased % Vitality Decay Duration to 120%. Skill proc is now applied in a radius.
- Mythical Northern Wyrm: increased Defensive Ability to 105 and updated values on the granted skill
- Mythical Oathbearer: added -1s Cooldown modifier for Fighting Spirit
- Mythical Obsidian Juggernaut: added 12-46 Chaos damage and 100% Chaos damage modifiers for Field Command
- Mythical Panetti's Replicating Wand: replaced Duration modifier for Inquisitor Seal with +2 Summon Limit modifier
- Mythical Pretty Great Pants: added 3 Energy Regeneration
- Mythical Quillthrower of Dreeg: updated damage on the skill proc
- Mythical Reign of Ice and Fire: replaced bonus to Absolute Zero with +2 to Shadow Strike
- Mythical Rotdrinker Crest: added % Damage Reduction to the skill proc
- Mythical Scion of Noxious Wounds: added 55 Acid damage modifiers for Execution and Necrotic Edge
- Mythical Shadowflame Mantle: added +2 to Second Rite
- Mythical Siegebreaker: added +3 to Word of Pain and modifiers for it and increased Internal Trauma damage on the granted skill
- Mythical Signet of the Fallen: added 9% Attack Speed
- Mythical Spark of Ultos: added 24% Poison Resist
- Mythical Soulblade: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 18% and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Righteous Fervor to 8%
- Mythical Soulcatcher: added 100% of Acid dealt as Chaos modifier for Ravenous Earth and increased its Chaos damage modifier to 120
- Mythical Stonefist Rebuke: added -18% Physical Resist and 100% of Fire dealt as Physical modifiers for Aura of Censure
- Mythical Stormreaver: added 40 Lightning damage modifier for Savagery
- Mythical Stormseer Sapphire: added +3 to Static Strike
- Mythical Thread of Mortality: increased skill bonuses to +4, Health Regeneration to 60 and % Health Regeneration to 30%. Added +4 to Veterancy.
- Mythical Untouchable: added +1 to Inquisitor Skills and +2 to Word of Renewal
- Mythical Venomlash: added 20 Acid damage modifier for Righteous Fervor and increased its Poison damage modifier to 70 / 5s
- Mythical Viperfang Grips: increased Acid damage modifier for Ravenous Earth to 90 and Poison damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 140 / 5s
- Mythical Voidrend Talons: increased Chaos damage modifier for Righteous Fervor to 20-45
- Mythical Voidsteel Gauntlets: added 50-300 Chaos damage modifier for Smite
- Mythical Wendigomane Leggings: added +3 to Fighting Spirit and increased damage on the skill proc
- Mythical Whisperer of Secrets: increased Bleed damage modifier for Ring of Steel to 200 / 3s
- Mythical Will of the Living: increased Aether damage to 126 and reduced Cooldown on the granted skill
- Mythical Wrath of Tenebris: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 20%
- Mythical Wraithborne Legwraps: added +2 to Death Sentence
- Mythical Wyrmbone Handguards: added 8% Attack Speed and +2 to Shadow Strike
- Nightbringer: removed Health. Added 60 Vitality damage and 100 Vitality Decay / 2s modifiers for Wind Devil. Reduced damage dealt by the skill proc.
- Outcast's Secret: increased % Aether damage to 105% added 50% Slow Resist and +2 to Nullification
- Quillthrower of Dreeg: updated damage on the skill proc
- Shard of the Eternal Flame: removed Cooldown Reduction modifier for Canister Bomb
- The Crimson Claws: added +3 to Whirling Death
- Venomtongue Mantle: added +3 to Shadow Dance
- Voice of Dreeg: removed Chaos dealt as Acid and added % Chaos damage. Increased Acid damage modifier for Ravenous Earth to 80 and added 20% Impaired Aim / 1s modifier for it.
Legendary Set Items
- Armor of the Eternal Night Set: reduced damage dealt by the skill proc
- Bonemonger Hood: fixed an issue where the Resist Reduction modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion was not properly applying
- Blood Knight Set: reduced Vitality damage dealt by summoned pet
- Blood Knight's Pendant: reduced Vitality damage dealt by summoned pet
- Dark One's Gift: reduced Vitality damage modifier for Wendigo Totem to 100
- Faceguard of Justice: added +1 to Soldier Skills and removed bonuses to Blitz and Forcewave
- Handguards of Justice: increased bonuses to Blitz and Forcewave to +3
- Mask of Lost Souls: added +2 to Summon Hellhound
- Shard of Lost Souls: added +1 to Occultist Skills and removed +2 to Summon Hellhound
- Mythical Faceguard of Justice: added +1 to Soldier Skills and removed bonuses to Blitz and Forcewave
- Mythical Handguards of Justice: increased bonuses to Blitz and Forcewave to +3
- Rage of Agrivix Set: added 100% of Fire dealt as Aether modifier for Vindictive Flame
- Rah'Zin's Torment Set: increased Chaos damage modifier for Zolhan's Technique to 80
- Sentinel of the Three Set: reduced % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Counter Strike to 10%
- Targo's Craft Set: increased Internal Trauma damage modifier for Blade Arc to 225 / 3s and increased Internal Trauma damage on the skill proc
- Targo's Mallet: increased Physical damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 110
- Targo's Helm: reduced Physical damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 60
- The Blightlord's Set: removed % Vitality Resist Reduction modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion
- Blightlord's Hood: removed Vitality damage modifier for Ravenous Earth and increased its Fire damage modifier to 56
- The Voidsoul Set: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Doom Bolt to 25% and increased Chaos damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 32-100
- Ulzuin's Infernal Avatar Set: added 0.5 Radius modifier for Canister Bomb
- Valguur's Hunger Set: increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 140 and reduced its % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier to 4%. Reduced % Life Leech Resist Reduction modifier for Siphon Souls to -5%.
- Wildblood Vanguard Set: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Grasping Vines to 35% and reduces its Duration modifier to 1s
- Mythical Wildblood Crusher: removed Vitality damage modifier for Grasping Vines and reduced % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Grasping Vines to 10%
[Class & Skills]
- Berserker: increased % Physical Resist to 4%, Offensive Ability to 70, % Bleed damage to 150% and Bleed damage to 20 / 3s
- Gallows: increased % Health to 6% and added 8 Vitaliy damage, removed Health
- Korvaak: increased % All damage to 130%
- Leviathan: increased Defensive Ability to 60
- Rattosh: added 10 Vitality damage and reduced Health to 150
- Shieldmaiden: increased % Shield Recovery to -25%
- Tempest: increased Offensive Ability to 45 and % Chance of % Lightning damage to 30% chance of 250%. Added 25 Defensive Ability.
- Tree of Life: increased % Health to 21%, Health Regeneration to 80 and % Health Regeneration to 100%
- Tsunami: increased Defensive Ability to 20
- Black Blood of Yugol: increased % Damage Reduction to 16%
- Blind Fury: can now be bound to additional skill types. This may cause your skill assignment to reset.
- Bull Rush: reduced Cooldown to 0.4s. Can now be bound to additional skill types. This may cause your skill assignment to reset.
- Dryad's Blessing: reduced Cooldown by 0.5s
- Guardian's Gaze: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 15%
- Maul: has been redesigned as an AoE debuff that causes Physical damage with Attack damage Converted to Health and Armor Reduction. Maul can now be bound to additional skill types. This may cause your skill assignment to reset.
- Meteor Shower: reduced damage
- Reckless Tempest: increased number of targets to 4
- Tip the Scales: reduced Resist Reduction to 20 and reduced damage
- Tsunami (Celestial Proc): increased Frostburn damage and added % Fumble and % Impaired Aim
- Wendigo's Mark: reduced damage
- Will of Rattosh: reduced damage
- Deadly Momentum: adjusted all % Damage bonuses to the same values, scaling to 65% by rank 12, 120% by max ultimate rank and increased Internal Trauma damage scaling with rank
- Discord: increased Elemental damage to 72
- Decorated Soldier: increased % damage scaling with rank to 64% by rank 8, 164% by max ultimate rank
- Fighting Spirit: Cooldown now scales with rank, starting at 18s, scaling to 12s by rank 12, 10s by max ultimate rank
- Internal Trauma: increased damage scaling with rank
- Tremor: reduced % Damage Modifier penalty to -25% and % Weapon damage Penalty to -50%
- Markovian's Defense: reduced % Damage Modifier penalty to -15%
- Menhir's Bulwark: can now also be used with two-handed melee weapons
- Menhir's Will: increased base % Heal to 15% and adjusted its scaling with rank to 60% by rank 16, 90% by max ultimate rank. Adjusted Cooldown scaling with rank to 15s by rank 16, 12s by max ultimate rank
- Military Conditioning: increased % Health scaling with rank to 24% by rank 10, 36% by max ultimate rank
- Oleron's Rage: increased base % Offensive Ability 3% and increased its scaling at ultimate ranks to 20% by max ultimate rank
- Veterancy: increased % Health Regeneration scaling with rank to 32% by rank 10, 55% by max ultimate rank
- War Cry: increased % Damage Reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to 35% by max ultimate rank
- Break Morale: increased Physical Resist Reduction scaling with rank to 35 by rank 12, 45 by max ultimate rank
- Terrify: increased Resist Reduction to 18
- Blast Shield: reduced Cooldown to 11s and increased Absorption scaling at ultimate ranks to 2000 by max ultimate rank
- Canister Bomb: reduced Radius to 3.2
- Improved Casing: increased Radius scaling with rank to 2.5 by rank 10, 3.5 by max ultimate rank
- Demon Fire: added % Damage Reduction
- High Potency: replaced % Physical Damage Reduction with % Attack Speed Reduction
- Grenado: increased Projectile Velocity and increased Radius to 3.5
- High Impact: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank and increased % Chance of % Physical/Internal Trauma damage to 100% at all ranks
- Shattering Blast: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank and increased Internal Trauma damage scaling with rank to 303 by rank 12, 580 by max ultimate rank
- Mortar Trap: reduced damage scaling with rank
- The Big One: increased damage scaling with rank. Can now fire multiple times through the Mortar Trap's duration rather than only once.
- Thermite Mine: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Hellfire Mine: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Ulzuin's Chosen: increased % Energy Cost Reduction scaling with rank to 25% by rank 10, 35% by max ultimate rank
- Ulzuin's Wrath: replaced % Attack Speed Reduction with % Damage Reduction. Increased Targets scaling with rank to 7 by rank 12, 9 by max ultimate rank. Added % Retaliation added to Attack (Forgotten Gods only).
- Blood Burst: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank and increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 35% by rank 12, 45% by max ultimate rank
- Terrifying Gaze: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
- Curse of Frailty: adjusted Bleed Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes, Physical Resist Reduction remains unchanged
- Vulnerability: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Hellfire: increased Fire Retaliation scaling with rank to 220 by rank 12, 460 by max ultimate rank and added Defensive Ability
- Infernal Breath: added % Damage Reduction
- Storm Spirit: increased % Chance of Lightning Retaliation to 100% chance, scaling with rank to 220 by rank 12, 460 by max ultimate rank
- Blade Spirit: reduced Pierce damage scaling with rank
- Lethal Assault: increased Acid damage and removed Offensive Ability
- Night's Chill: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Pneumatic Burst: added Offensive Ability
- Callidor's Tempest: increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 60% by max ultimate rank
- Inferno: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank
- Disintegration: removed % Aether and % Fire damage
- Tainted Power: added 10% Damage Modifier
- Wrath of Agrivix: reduced % Weapon damage to 30% and % Damage Modifier bonus to 170%
- Overload: reduced Offensive Ability scaling with rank to 133 by rank 12, 220 by max ultimate rank
- Elemental Balance: reduced % Crit damage scaling with rank to 20% by rank 12, 30% by max ultimate rank
- Devouring Swarm: increased Projectile Velocity and adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Oak Skin: added Defensive Ability
- Raging Tempest: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Tenacity of the Boar: increased Offensive Ability scaling with rank to 120 by rank 12, 220 by max ultimate rank. Removed Defensive Ability.
- Aura of Censure: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Aura of Conviction: added % Physical damage
- Horn of Gandarr: replaced % Elemental and % Physical Damage Reduction with % Damage Reduction
- Inquisitor Seal: increased Duration to 24s
- Tainted Flame: increased % Damage Modified to 15%
- Call of the Grave: now also grants % damage and % Crit damage for the caster. Removed Health Regen for pets and combined the % damage bonuses into % All damage.
- Master of Death: % Physical dealt as Vitality for pets now scales with rank to 50% by rank 12, 60% by max ultimate rank
- Spectral Wrath: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Will of the Crypt: removed % Physical dealt as Vitality
- Celestial Presence: adjusted Resist Reduction scaling with rank to compensate for monster Resist changes
- Eye of Reckoning: increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 38% by max ultimate rank
- Haven: increased % Health scaling with rank to 25% by rank 10, 35% by max ultimate rank
- Shattering Smash: fixed an issue where the shield's damage was not properly included

Il ne reste plus qu'à trouver toutes ces bonnes choses dont nous a fait part Crate Entertainment pour découvrir le fameux loot !
Par Alchemists, Septembre 2020