Link Zelda Impa The Scourge Age

Link, Zelda and Impa

Hyrule Warriors Age of Scourge

Characters of the Scourge Age: I present to you the three playable commanders of hyrule warriors with Link, Zelda and Impa!

Design No Rest For The Wicked
Test No Rest For The Wicked early access, is it right for you
Lexicon and acronyms Gamer and Hack and Slash by SlashingCreeps

Overall operation

Each character uses combos with several Xs then a Y (eg XXXY or XY). Items are shared between your commanders, whether for healing or wands. The tablet is used by all the characters but with a variant (example Link climbs on the block of ice while Impa does not).



Link is the sword and bow specialist. His basic attacks are with the sword and his special with the bow. He can also block enemies with his shield. He can equip boots, armor, helmet, and sword, unlike other characters who can only equip one weapon.

  • A: ultimate
  • B: dodge
  • Y: sword attack
  • X: combo sword attack
  • ZR: special bow attack
  • R: tablet
  • ZL: shield blocking
  • L: objects



Impa uses ninjutsu cards and techniques to make a ninja mage hybrid. The character is a little more complicated than the others to manage! Impa must create symbols and then absorb them. Each symbol (max 3) will create two clones, including for its ultimate. You can therefore have 6 clones which greatly multiply your damage! The number of symbols absorbed is indicated at the top left of the screen.

  • A: ultimate
  • B: dodge
  • Y: card attack
  • X: combo ninjutsu attack / symbol absorption
  • ZR: special symbol creation attack
  • R: tablet
  • ZL: blocking
  • L: objects



Zelda uses the tablet as her primary weapon. You can also use the tablet common to all players but its weapon is unique! You will be able to create bombs, block of ice, clusters of weapons and detonate them with the special key to even more increase the damage of this one: It sticks everywhere, I advise you to memorize the combos well to master it the best !

  • A: ultimate
  • B: dodge
  • Y: tablet attack
  • X: combo tablet attack
  • ZR: special activation attack (bomb, ice, polaris)
  • R: tablet
  • ZL: blocking
  • L: objects
Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Three totally different and super nice gameplays, Link remains fairly standard but Impa very pleasant to play and Zelda completely off! I can't wait to see what other characters the Scourge Age will have in store!

By Alchemists, October 2020

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