mount division on LoL elo mmr

Go up in division

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Go up in division: with this guide find my coaching method to more easily go up in League of Legends leagues!

Design No Rest For The Wicked
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Lexicon and acronyms Gamer and Hack and Slash by SlashingCreeps

Preamble to the method

Before starting this guide, here is some info on the method:

  • it's a methodical approach so for sure increase your rating
  • it is important to understand it well to apply it, do not hesitate if question
  • it does not play for you, it is not the moment to win but it will necessarily put you in the right direction

When I apply the method on my account

ride your elo on lol

The crucial rules

In order to build your league, here are the rules to follow:

  • Be strong on your strong champion
    • it will be much more interesting to master a hero in the meta, such as mastering Evelyn rather than Ivern in the jungle, or Azir rather than Lux in mid
    • have between 30 and 50 games on a champion, it is not in 5 games that you will master it
    • take a champion suited to your style, if you don't like AP or assassin for example, go on ad or bruiser, don't force your nature
  • Master and play 2 or even 3 champions, no more
    • See below for more info
  • A 30-minute break if you lose two games in a row
    • after two defeats, you will inevitably play worse, it is a fact which is valid for everyone. And it takes your best level to carry your allies
  • Never respond to trolls
    • I will detail this section later

What is a strong champion?

Due to their design, some champions will be stronger in the game than others. The term "strong" is quite generic, but it indicates that your champion may have a better kit, more utility, easier to carry, more mobility, etc. etc. It will therefore naturally be easier to win with this type of champion than with others. For that, you can base yourselves on the third list of Internet or mine. The third list also depends on the level, the one at master level is not going to be the same as the one I indicated for diamond iron level. If you take a tier list on the internet, take note A or S.

This third-party list is not exhaustive, but it will serve as a good basis for you.

Jungle: Graves, Hecarim, Lilia, Udyr, Kha'Zix
Mid: Azir, Viktor, Yasuo, Yone, Ekko
Top: Aatrox, Volibear, Darius, Vayne, Garen
ADC: Xayah, Kaisa, Jhin, Samira
Support: Leona, Rell, Morgana, Tresh, Alistar or even Brand or Zyra at lower elo

What about OTPs?

A word about the OTP (One Trick Pony), it designates someone who will always play the same character, whatever the situation. He is not necessarily strong at the base but will be constantly picking. It is also a way of grinding, but it is not the method I am presenting to you!

How do I find my champion

There are two methods of finding your champions, one by feelings, the other by stats.

Method 1: by feeling

When you play champion for the first time and you do an S or A, or the opposite you get nowhere. It will logically be much more interesting to explore the first case then the second. For example, if you cannot carry with Lilia, but you already have a good Nocturne, go for a Kha'Zix. Try to take champions with gameplay similar to the ones I play for you. No need to take offensive supports if you have a defensive style, or play mid AP if you are more comfortable with an AD!

Method 2: by statistics

An unstable method is to recover your winrates. You can use league of graphs for example, or any other site giving you your stats. You can refine with the type of games (solo Q, unranked, etc.). Take at least 55% winrate.

I give you two examples on my profile:

jungle pick

pick adc

What can be seen on my jungle picks:

  • I love playing offensive with fairly resistant characters
  • on the other hand, no top tier list
  • I can therefore orient myself towards Heca or Udyr

What we can see on my ADC picks:

  • Ashe and Miss Fortune are my two best win rates
  • I can keep MF which is "ok" tier, but I would need a new adc

Note that I often change my pick to offer you guides, try to have at least 30 games on a champion to conclude your mastery on this one!

Whatever method you choose, write your 2 or 3 champions then stick to it ! Only change the hero if you see that in the end you do not get enough with it (see method 2)

Counter pick or reduced pool?

The act of playing counter pick is to take a champion to counter the one opposite. The fact of playing at reduced pool is to play on only 2 or even 3 champions. I advise you to play on a reduced pool, because at diamond level and below, it will almost always be more profitable to play a character that you are used to rather than one that against your opponent but that you never play. In order to still avoid getting countered and having a bit of response yourself, try to have at least 2 styles of play, for example tank and bruiser on top, or AP and offtank in jungler. This will give you flexibility in the draft while still allowing you to play your champion.

Improve your micro / macro

One point all the same to improve your game:

  • follow builds, you have ours on the League of Legends folder  or on the web!
  • watch pro matches that play your champion
    • Since champions are meta and there are always LoL matches, you are bound to have matches with your champion. Look at what he does, his builds, his positioning, his movements, his engages, etc.

What if my allies feed or insult?

It's a bit off topic, but I think it is necessary to clarify this point on LoL:

  • never respond to an insult
    • this will lead to a discussion, you will lose focus, your ally too, and in any case no one will have the last word. In this case, you can instantly mute your ally and concentrate on your game.
  • never tell your opponent if he's "doing shit"
    • he is probably already aware, and likewise it will distract you and your ally too
  • continue to always indicate your movement, objective and SS. Even if you've mutated everyone, always take this reflex!

Summary and TLDR

Even if I advise you to read the method carefully so that you can best apply it, here is a few words:

  • I play a tier S or A champion
  • I have at least 30 games on the champion
  • I have max 3 champions in my pool
  • I am a build and watch pro games of my champion
  • I never respond to insults and indicate my movements
Alchemists SlashingCreeps

You now have all the keys to better get on League of Legends. You should no longer be stuck in a division and after a few days or weeks you should see your progress. This method is still quite dense and needs to be understood very well, so again don't hesitate if you have any questions!

By Alchemists, March 2021

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